Sunday, January 13, 2008

While I was skating

My first big rush after renewing my love of the sport did not come from jumping my first curb, grinding my first rail, or conquering my biggest hill to date. No my biggest rush came from random fans cheering me on as I rode down the street.

I was in middle Santa Monica. I am a chauffeur for a local limousine company and due to circumstances beyond my control was carless. I had to drop off the car at the office and my car was at home. This meant that I could skate back to Venice.

I love to skate so it was a welcomed inconvenience.

I was in my chauffeur uniform at the time. This uniform consisted of black slacks, dress shirt, and tie. Yes a suit!

Half way home a car load of fellow skaters saw me and yelled from the car window. I didn't really catch on at first. Then further down the street I saw them again and this time there were more of them honking and yelling out of the window. These were the howls of peer approval.

It was awesome. I understood why they were doing that when I saw myself from their point of view. Here was this woman wearing a suit and tie skating from Santa Monica to Venice. It was quite a sight though not my plan.

After they passed a second time the attention grew as I rode down Lincoln Blvd. on my "Girl" board.

Everyone I passed was looking and smiling/nodding signs of approval at this event.

This was by far the best moment I have had skating to date.

1 comment:

Robert Sarkisian said...

Ride on Camille! You totally rock my world!